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Poličnik, Tadej Urh, Slovenia

photo credits: Nebojša Babić

Poličnik is a simple, yet unique set of open wooden shelves that creates an opportunity for home exhibition of your most favorable objects.

IKEA furniture in every Balkan home? Maybe not… Poličnik questions the design generics of our time and tries to offer a new option to the well-established mass-produced easy home assembled furniture. It is a simple form, composed of only two different wooden boards – vertical and horizontal ones – that are mechanically joined. The form is something between an utilitarian furniture element and a wooden system sculpture, which gives users an opportunity to neatly exhibit their favorite objects and at the same time represents a convenient vertical storage for everyday items.

Poličnik is a piece of furniture that, due to its robustness, aesthetics and most simple composition, withstands the ravages of time much better than global mass furniture producers. It is a representative of products that accompany the owner throughout his lifetime. It is made so that it needs no drilling to stand firmly which is practical when moving often or for those users who like to rearrange their home every now and then and move their furniture around without leaving marks behind. The main goal is to promote furniture as something that can be accessible, permanent, sustainable and yet very movable. 


Tadej Urh is a young architect, based in Ljubljana. He completed

 his studies in 2020 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, where he has been working as an assistant in the field of architecture since 2021. Besides he is involved in architectural practice and product design in various teams. He received several awards for his work during his studies and in the year after completing his master’s thesis: Plečnik Student Award for the research and exhibition One Big, Bright, Useful Space – Emil Navinšek Corridor School; in a group of seven students and student Vurnik Award for complete student work. In 2019 he and his team won 1st prize at the architecture competition for the Renovation of old town Laško and in 2021 1st prize for the Bohinjska Bistrica Passenger Center (2021) which are both going to be actualized. Tadej regularly attends workshops and theoretical seminars. Among other things, he attended the Porto Academy workshop in Portugal, the BIO 26 International Biennial of Design in Ljubljana, the Kamen sculpture workshop and Crypto Design Week workshop. In year 2018/19 he worked as an intern in Berlin based studio Meyer-Grohbrügge.


Instagram: @tadejurh